Project Information
UBC Properties Trust (UBCPT)
UBC South Campus, Vancouver, BC, Canada
July 2007 to August 2009
Project Description
Project Initiative
The South Campus district of the University of British Columbia has become a hot-spot for residential condo development. The purpose of this project was to demolish the former BC Research Complex buildings in preparation for re-development of the property into residential land.
RJ & Associates was obtained by UBC Properties Trust to provide environmental consulting services in the form of pre-demolition survey investigations of each subject building for the presence of hazardous materials. The findings and results from these investigations were utilized in preparing the abatement specification that was included within the final specification package developed for this project. RJ & Associates managed all aspects of the abatement of friable and non-friable asbestos-containing materials, mercury-containing temperature thermostats and switches, mould contamination, PCB-containing ballasts, ODS-containing refrigerants, lead-containing paint, and miscellaneous stored chemical waste. Additionally, RJ & Associates conducted overall project management related services that included, site monitoring for compliance with WorkSafeBC OH&S regulations, ambient, occupational and final clearance air sampling, pre-contamination inspections, final visual inspections, and tear-out inspections, and tracking of waste disposal. Following the completion of all required abatement work, RJ & Associates provided a final summary report to outline the successful completion of all work and the clearance to proceed with scheduled demolition of all subject buildings.